Whose land is it really?

Israel has the power to draw the United States into a world war, therefore it’s important that we average Americans understand what they’re getting up to. The basis for their nation, and the justification for expanding and taking land belonging to others, seems to be that they have some kind of genetic birthright to the land that its current inhabitants do not. This is something that a simple DNA test could determine if administered widely. But these tests are illegal in Israel, and one can venture a guess as to why. But DNA testing has been done in the recent past, and has found that Palestinians are far more “native” than the current make-up of the nation of Israel, and that current Israeli citizens have almost zero Semitic blood, which blows up the “birthright” nonsense. So why don’t they just come out and say that they want the land regardless of what their heritage says? Well, they lose any semblance at all of a moral high ground, and their ethnosupremacism would be exposed as a charade. They are not Hebrew, but ironically, the Palestinians are.


Author: S. Smith