The only real solution to the border crisis

The only real solution to the border crisis

Over 2 million people cross illegally into our country through our southern border every year. I imagine that most of these people remain in the country, given that we have a neutered and politicized deportation process. For all intents and purposes, our government is beckoning the world to come here, openly advertising that the back door is open, so you might as well get here before the inevitable election of Trump. This seems to be a crisis far worse than anything occurring overseas, and yet it gets very little airtime. Anyone who wishes to find any information on the issue has to really root it out. And what is found is the revelation that the United States has almost no southern border at all, or not one of sufficient strength to stem the human tsunami that monthly crashes against it and breaks through. Trump tells crowds that he will make the border a top priority, and he probably will. But is a wall enough? Build a wall, and people will go over it, or under it, or cut their way through it.

What is needed, sorely, is a permanent military encampment across the entire southern border. Our military is stretched thin all over the globe getting us into senseless trouble, when it could instead be stationed at home, protecting our nation, and really ensuring that our nation remains a nation. I imagine that many, if not most, young Americans, wouldn’t mind a short tour of duty in the military if it meant keeping our border under control.

A wall won’t solve this problem. The border patrol is overrun. This requires a permanent military solution. Mexico is openly allowing the migrants passage straight through to the southern US border. This probably needs to change as well. The US probably needs to assert itself militarily with Mexico if it continues to allow these massive caravans to travel, knowing where they’re going and what they intend to do.

Establishing a permanent military encampment would require a political will that does not exist among our Political Class. But the solution would be wildly popular with voters, if it were put to them. A military solution is the only solution, as the problem now stands.

Author: S. Smith