Imagine a world with a large-scale vaxxed vs. unvaxxed study

Imagine a world with a large-scale vaxxed vs. unvaxxed study

It’s been over two years and we now have more than enough people to enroll in a massive study that looks at health outcomes of those vaccinated for COVID, comparing these outcomes to those who remain unvaccinated. The needle Nazis failed in their efforts to eliminate the control group via threats, blackmail, and public shaming, and now very few people want to take any more of the boosters. So do the study! Imagine what would be discovered. I have a feeling that we would discover that the mass vaccination campaign for COVID during 2021-2022 had been the greatest instance of public health manslaughter in history. I read the obituaries and comments from family members. I read the stories of those who have sustained severe and permanent disabilities shortly after receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vax. They an their family members are gaslit by their doctor, the media, and the entire public health establishment. They’re either ridiculed or ignored entirely. But the same medical establishment is afraid unto death over the prospect of such a study. Because it would expose their hand in the deaths and injuries that they pretend didn’t happen. Maybe once the study is done, we could trace every injury back to a particular doctor, or a particular pharmacy, or a particular drive-thru vax site (hard to believe those existed). Then maybe we could have our “never again” moment, and at least take the wind out of the sails of the next “miracle” drug.

Author: S. Smith