We are now at war with Yemen

The war has expanded. The US and UK are now bombing Yemen’s capital of Sana’a because the Yemeni Houthi’s are the only ones opposing Israel’s massacre in Gaza. The Houthi rebels are allied with Iran and Lebanon, both of whom would enter the war if sufficiently provoked. A large-scale civilian death toll in Yemen might very well bring both into this regional war, which would tip the first domino that would result in global war. We would very shortly be in massive conflict with Russia and China who would side with Yemen, Lebanon, Iran, and other smaller powers. Many would die. We would not win this conflict. Is Israel truly worth risking a global conflict for?

The most frustrating aspect of all this goes back to a fundamental fact of reality that I’ve come to accept: the stewards of the West could not have built the West. Global affairs are conducted by imbeciles, momentous decisions are made by intellectually and emotionally stunted men and women trapped in a state of prolonged adolescence. A war managed by these fools, the ones who bungled us into it in the first place, will be lost. The “global sheriff” that the United States vainly sees itself to be, is in fact Barney Fife. Our leaders step on every rake on the global stage, and we foot the bill. Is this not tiresome?

I hate to blame democracy, because I see no other culprit. We’ve brought it on ourselves. The bagmen and used car salesmen put their single skill to good use and are swept into office. They proceed to manage their public office just as you would expect. The voters forgive their stupidity the moment they turn on the charm. We continue to send them back to Congress, or the White House, or to city council, and we end up with our current state of affairs. We need a change. We need to evolve before we vote ourselves into extinction.

“I googled it”-something you never want to hear from an air traffic controller