Soldiers lives as tripwires to war

Soldiers lives as tripwires to war

It’s impossible to view the soldiers stationed along the Syrian border as anything more than deliberate, sacrificial lambs to justify retaliation. They serve no purpose by being there, other than as deliberately exposed targets. The recent deaths of three soldiers at Tower 22 in Jordan near the border of Syria, will now be used to justify a string of US military strikes on Iranian targets, who will then respond with more deadly drone attacks, for which we have almost no defense. The 2,500 US soldiers left in Iraq could easily be taken out by a sufficiently motivated Iranian military, who could very well coordinate their attack with those of the Yemeni Houthis, and Hezbollah.

A picture is painted of a Biden administration desperate for a war to disrupt the coming Presidential election. I find it amazing how often US foreign policy is merely the result of domestic, electoral politics. The PR experts come in after decisions are made to launch a war, and craft the narrative that would most likely be bought by the American public. We are in the midst of transition between psy-ops, and it’s frightening to think what could be just around the corner.

Author: S. Smith