— Freedom
(@PU28453638) February 29, 2024
Month: February 2024
Aldi engaged in ostracizing the unvaccinated
Recently discovered – Aldi… Terminating the Employment of those unvaccinated after March 2022.
— Dr David Cartland (@CartlandDavid) February 29, 2024
Election interference
#Breaking News: An Illinois Judge has removed Donald Trump from the Presidential ballot in the state. This comes after the state board voted unanimously not to remove him from the ballot.
Is this democracy? One radical judge can remove a Presidential candidate from the…
Travis Media Group
(@TM1Politics) February 29, 2024
Nicole Sirotek original Facebook Live video
Incentivized genocide
Not the current genocide occurring in Gaza, but the one that happened in hospitals in 2020 and 2021.
The announcement in the Spring of 2020 that hospitals would be getting extra money based on the number of COVID patients they received set off alarm bells in my mind. Because I know human nature, and I know that incentives have the ability to transform a person into either an angel or a demon, I knew that injecting incentives into this crisis would seal the doom of many, many people. If money was to be given, it should’ve been given indiscriminately, no matter the COVID patient load, no matter whether they were placed on a ventilator or not. This would be to mitigate against the barbaric effects of incentives. The opposite was done, as we now know. Hospitals were incentivized to label every patient as COVID, ventilate as many possible, administer Remdesivir to as many as possible, and cloud the behavior of doctors and nurses with dollar signs. This is what happened, and I know that the only way to describe the pandemic is nothing more than an incentivized, mass euthanasia event. That is why there is no memorial to the 30,000 people who died in NYC within a six-week period. They were simply euthanized, through fear, callous indifference, and monetary incentives, and no one wants to dig up any information at all on that simple fact.
The incentives prolonged the pandemic almost into perpetuity, as hospitals stood to gain immense wealth from a never-ending crisis.
The final nightmare of the pandemic was of course the vaccine, which brought another wave of needless death. Why did 60,000 young Americans suddenly die in the fall of 2021, more than died in the entire Vietnam war? Where the hell is their memorial, and who even knows that they died? No one. Their only memorial is a steep lump in an otherwise smooth graph. They were murdered by incentives and science run amok.
Science has been our god for too long. We worship at its altar, which has become a sort of birthing grave. We get the atom bomb, mRNA technology, digital narcotics, among other abominations, and yet we pray fervently for more. We’ve come to the end of the road with science. Other than death and societal destruction, it has nothing left to give. We must run from this temple while we still have our legs.
ICU Nurse Whistleblower Nicole Sirotek Shares the 'Negligence & Malfeasance' She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020
"That's when I realized that this was just a rigged game. They did not want these people off these ventilators. They did not want them discharged home."…
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) July 8, 2023
All across the border. Burned and buried IDs.
— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) February 27, 2024
How many Tony Montana’s are coming across our border every day?
To be fair, Tony isn’t even close to what is streaming across our southern border. I can’t imagine Montana raping and murdering innocent Americans. Actually, I think I’d prefer all of Latin America’s Tony Montanas to the human animals we’re getting now.
WARNING: Foul language
Perennial victims
Jewish-American actor Mayim Bialik promotes a children’s book that interweaves the trademark counterfeit victimhood almost as if to perpetuate the myth of Israeli victimhood for American audiences. Do Israeli children really read books in English? What are these rockets in comparison to the ones dropped by Israel on Gaza? Books like this instill early on the idea that Israel is being constantly targeted for no reason, implying that the ones launching these rockets are doing so just because they hate. It’s an instance of accusing your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of.
— Cassandra MacDonald (@CassandraRules) February 23, 2024