Tucker’s maniacal defense of nicotine borders on the evangelical. I’ve heard and seen apparent evidence of nicotine’s positive effects on IQ and mental acuity, but I’ll stick with my coffee. I don’t “chain drink” coffee, and I don’t know anyone who does. I do know, however, multiple “chain smokers”, and Tucker himself admits that he uses nicotine from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed. There is a categorical difference between this and caffeine. I can go days without coffee, probably longer. Many nicotine users could never do this. At the same time, I’m all for anyone who enjoys it, and who reaps the obvious benefits of this stimulant. If you’re not smoking, and you’re getting your nicotine through chewing tobacco, nicotine gum, or the pouches, then it’s a clean hit, and a clean habit. You’re more productive, more enjoyable to be around, smarter, funnier, than probably if you weren’t a nicotine user. Many great artists were chain smokers who also consumed tankards of coffee, and who produced works of art that will live for millennia. Virtually every photograph of Ayn Rand shows her holding a cigarette in an elegant black stem, with the distant look of someone who’s mind is revved to 6,000 RPM. She was a force of nature, and her chain smoking habit was probably the alcohol injection her 800 hp mind used to write her massive books, and create a philosophy of life out of whole cloth. Many other creatives have also made great use of stimulants, and the human race benefits incalculably from their habit. I say legalize all stimulants and let the chips fall where they may. I don’t think its an exaggeration to say that we owe our existence and current civilization to creatives who also nurtured an addiction to one stimulant or another.