The unobserved four-year anniversary of the Great Panic

We’re approaching what should be considered one of the most significant and ominous anniversaries that our species has ever observed, but it will pass unobserved aside from a handful of scattered individuals who understand its significance. Not the four-year anniversary of The Virus, COVID-19, but the anniversary of the modern world’s total descent into a primordial Hell, a more fully-formed reversion to a demon-haunted world that the West has ever before indulged in. Totalitarianism did emerge, yes, but it was the natural byproduct of what emerged within the psyches of hundreds of millions of subjects of a spiritually and morally decayed West. ‘The West’ hasn’t been the West for decades. We’ve lived off its fumes, but the tank is empty. Like living and working under the warm light of the sun, blissfully ignorant that the star burnt out years ago. The light is still traveling here, even as the life-giving star has died. The humanizing character of the West has died, and we were treated to a front-row seat of the consequences. An almost immediate reversion to a savage state, combined with a desire to punish, and a clamoring for the Total State.

Beginning in middle March, 2020, that State was being built quickly over the next few months, as the delirium over a Doomsday Virus reverted every unguarded mind back to factory settings. The savage sprung forth from the subconscious of many of the formerly “civilized”, and they began right to work, dismantling the strange world around them, on instinct. The worst part of all this wasn’t the naked viciousness of these reborn primitives, but the way that almost every strata of society meekly assented to their demands. School boards, hospitals, police, every public place, all complied with the demands of the totalitarians with straight faces. A new religion was born, or an old one reborn, and everyone formerly stuck in meaningless, dead-end lives saw a return of meaning, and so they bound themselves to it.

And yet, for some reason, apocalypse passed us by. We emerged from the other side, battered but still here. Many died, many were ruined, many suffered severe indignities, and yet civilization itself didn’t permanently descend into a Soviet-style dictatorship.

And now we pretend like this didn’t happen, or that it didn’t happen the way we remember. The US government doesn’t even acknowledge that anything much happened four years ago, and will let this date pass by unobserved, while we’re made to shuffle our schedules for President’s Day and other faux holidays. This should be considered much more ominous that it currently is. Something primitive and evil is frustrated that it didn’t bring to fruition the end of the modern world, the extermination of freedom. A dark spirit, that is still here, moving invisibly around us, but ensuring that our memory of the attempt is as distorted and weakened as possible.

Tucker on nicotine

Tucker’s maniacal defense of nicotine borders on the evangelical. I’ve heard and seen apparent evidence of nicotine’s positive effects on IQ and mental acuity, but I’ll stick with my coffee. I don’t “chain drink” coffee, and I don’t know anyone who does. I do know, however, multiple “chain smokers”, and Tucker himself admits that he uses nicotine from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed. There is a categorical difference between this and caffeine. I can go days without coffee, probably longer. Many nicotine users could never do this. At the same time, I’m all for anyone who enjoys it, and who reaps the obvious benefits of this stimulant. If you’re not smoking, and you’re getting your nicotine through chewing tobacco, nicotine gum, or the pouches, then it’s a clean hit, and a clean habit. You’re more productive, more enjoyable to be around, smarter, funnier, than probably if you weren’t a nicotine user. Many great artists were chain smokers who also consumed tankards of coffee, and who produced works of art that will live for millennia. Virtually every photograph of Ayn Rand shows her holding a cigarette in an elegant black stem, with the distant look of someone who’s mind is revved to 6,000 RPM. She was a force of nature, and her chain smoking habit was probably the alcohol injection her 800 hp mind used to write her massive books, and create a philosophy of life out of whole cloth.  Many other creatives have also made great use of stimulants, and the human race benefits incalculably from their habit. I say legalize all stimulants and let the chips fall where they may. I don’t think its an exaggeration to say that we owe our existence and current civilization to creatives who also nurtured an addiction to one stimulant or another.

The Swift/Kelce psy-op will be over by November

It’s serving a single purpose: a bridge between the Political Class and the under-30, white demographic. It is they who will prop up the Welfare/Warfare State, but only if they’re sufficiently trained. Drowning in identity politics, forced to take a side or lose your job, it can be seen as nothing more than psychological conditioning for how they will behave in middle age and beyond. Spend your young years allowing yourself to be bullied and peer-pressured into accepting various doctrines, and by the time you’re 50, you’re a convenience-addled doughboy with a moral compass that someone else controls. Less than a slave.