Memory-holed history: Operation “Crimson Contagion” of 2019

Memory-holed history: Operation “Crimson Contagion” of 2019

Was the 2020 COVID pandemic a live exercise rather than a genuine pandemic? A government exercise that took place the year prior, January to August 2019, seems too coincidental, in hindsight. The exercise was dubbed “Crimson Contagion”, and simulated a flu pandemic to test the government’s response. How many people even know that this exercise occurred, despite 12 states participating, including numerous federal and state agencies? I find it highly suspicious that our government was so interested in testing our capacity for dealing with an outbreak, just months before COVID hit. Was the COVID pandemic just an extension of the exercise? Did we live through a pandemic exercise where the majority of the participants believed it was real?

The pandemic of 2020 appears to have been an exercise that got out of hand, that became “too real”, and transformed into a years’ long charade that the public became forced participants in order for the government to save face. We all knew the jig was up within two months, that COVID had been a false alarm, and that the government response was far worse than the illness itself.

We should be far more concerned about the timing of the COVID pandemic, given the fact that our own government had ran a massive pandemic drill less than a year prior. Not to mention “Event 201”. Like all lies, the COVID pandemic contained a kernel of truth, which allowed the construction of an enormous superstructure of deceit and misdirection. The real pandemic was one of fear, the single most apocalyptic instance of mass fear in human history. This level of fear paved the way for egregious human rights violations, crimes against humanity, as we played along with the charade until the vaccine became available. The vaccine, we now know, was the final chapter in a prolonged, man made nightmare that we still refuse to fully confront.

The lesson that should be learned is that the only path for government to take is to do absolutely nothing. But that is a lesson that we will never learn.

Author: S. Smith