The unobserved anniversary of the COVID pandemic

We’ve just passed the four year mark on the greatest public health disaster in US history, and the greatest single instance of mass panic in recorded history. Not only does no one appear to care, but most don’t even seem to remember what happened four years ago, when society itself was upended in an orchestrated hysteria over a virus the danger of which was wildly exaggerated. Large swaths of economic activity were deliberately shut down by our government, schools were closed, masks, and later vaccines, were mandated, and people began en masse to regress to a primitive mindset. Hundreds of thousands did die, including over 30,000 in a six-week period in New York City, and yet this enormous tragedy, far more devastating than 9/11, is not memorialized. We pass through March without speeches, the unveiling of new statues, or funds or scholarships dedicated to the COVID dead. You’d think that the memory of the COVID pandemic would be seared into our national character just as 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the OKC bombing, and other national tragedies are. If our government and health officials are being honest about the facts of the pandemic, then it deserves the top place in the ranking of national tragedies. But that’s a big “If”. And it’s an “If” that greater numbers of Americans are calling into question. Most don’t believe that our government is being honest about the facts of what happened four years ago. Not only this, but I believe there is a very good reason for this very purposeful avoidance of the pandemic: they don’t want to draw too much attention to what happened, because what the public would find is that the deaths were iatrogenic, meaning the dead were euthanized by panicked, fearful, and overworked hospital staff, rather than killed by some new virus. As a result of many independent journalists refusing to let it go, evidence is piling up that points to government at every level, taking their marching orders from county health departments who take their orders from the state health depts and the CDC, inflicting a totally unnecessary disaster upon American society, consolidating power, spending trillions, and ruining millions of lives in the process.

We the American people were forced to suffer under a two-year charade, only to be delivered into the maw of a dangerous pharmaceutical which culled the American public in one last wave of death, almost as a mass sacrifice required of us to be delivered from the ordeal that we were thrust into.

It’s easy to remember how, in the midst of the pandemic, we were continuously told that the vaccine was our light at the end of the tunnel. That light turned out to be a train, and many were hit head on. The stories of parents finding their children dead in the bathtub or in their beds, never having woken up, should be seared onto our memory. As should be the lonely deaths of the elderly in nursing homes who, having survived COVID, had death visited upon them in the form the vax vans that showed up once the mRNA vaccines were released to the public. The VAERS reports are grim. But those stories also are suppressed and ignored.

The truth should get out, and should stay out, because this was our greatest national tragedy, but one of self-infliction. The truth is that our government, in collusion with our medical complex and media industry, caused the wild historic panic which manufactured consent for lockdowns, mask mandates, and later vaccine mandates, the price of which can be counted in the number of lives lost and lives ruined.

The COVID anniversary will pass unobserved until enough people force us to look at happened, and who was responsible.