Lost history: Jewish terrorists sent letter-bombs to President Truman in 1947

The “Stern Gang”, Zionist terrorists who began their violent operations in the 40’s, mailed letter bombs to President Truman in an attempted assassination. The bombs were fortunately defused by the Secret Service before reaching the Oval Office. Similar letters were mailed to British officials, as the Irgun and Lehi (Stern) Zionist terrorist groups began targeting anyone believed to be an obstacle to a Jewish state in Palestine. The Lehi group was also responsible for the barbaric murder of Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat who, during World War 2, negotiated the release of over 30,000 Nazi concentration camp prisoners. Bernadotte had been sent to mediate between Palestinian and Zionist leaders in hopes of reaching a fair compromise.

This history is completely lost, and instead we get a condensed version that the average middle-aged adolescent American can digest, along with the vicious, infantile slogans and bromides regarding “America’s greatest ally”, and “the most moral army in the world”. Sure, but an ally who tries to kill our Presidents, or may even had a hand in the successful assassination of Kennedy.