House bill would give Americans serving in IDF the same benefits as American soldiers

Republican representatives Guy Reschenthaler and Max Miller have introduced HR 8445, which would extend military benefits to Americans serving in the Israeli Defense Force. The Washington Post estimates that 23,380 American citizens are currently enlisted in the IDF.

Aside from the obvious fact that we have no business funding Americans who opt to commit treason, this bill, if passed, would incentivize more Americans to do so. The IDF would surely enlist many of these Americans as spies, who would be forced to make a choice as to where their loyalty lies. For some insane reason, many choose Israel over their homeland.

Treason shouldn’t be encouraged. Americans no longer feel an ounce of respect for America, because America no longer respects itself.

Israel is a foreign nation that behaves like an enemy, not an ally. And yet so many Americans are ready to drop to their knees in worship over it. Why? Maybe because at least Israel exudes a sense of national pride that is completely gone from modern America.

Author: S. Smith