Israel burns Palestinians alive in Rafah refugee camp

The video and images coming out of Rafah are horrific: headless children, charred corpses, limbless survivors shuffling around in a shell-shocked state, entire families slaughtered, et cetera. These were people living in tents, who believed they were safe. Strangely, this seems to have wetted the blood-lust of the Israelis, who appear to revel in murdering Palestinians at the very moment that they feel most secure. The IDF is filled with fanatics who have been morally and spiritually lobotomized by the fundamentalist teachings of the rabbis who preach to them just before combat. They lust for total slaughter, forever. It’s become their identity, and this tiny nation of Israel, their haven, the arena where they can let their inner animal run wild without repercussion.

We Americans have tethered ourselves to probably the most primitively bloodthirsty ideology in human history. Zionism appears to have all the madness and inhuman lust for murder and power that fueled the Bolsheviks a century earlier. Zionism, or whatever you want to call it, is Bolshevism reincarnate. Like any virus, it desperately seeks expansion. In earlier times, we Americans were gravely concerned about Communist infiltration of our own government. We were right to root it out, to blacklist the superspreaders of this evil creed. But now, Bolshevism in another form has infiltrated us completely in a bloodless revolution. Almost bloodless, that is. Israel has shown itself to be almost casual in the murder of Americans or Brits if it serves their end goal. And yet, we’ve been blinded by the relentless propaganda that tells us that American and Israeli interests are as one. This is the greatest lie we’ve been fed in our lives. Civilization is forever at odds with barbarism, of which Israel represents in a pure form. Israel is parasitically linked to us, we gain nothing from this relationship, but stand to lose almost everything.

The evil that animates the national character of Israel cannot be overstated. We see it now, up close and personal, from the footage of the mutilated bodies of the innocent, and the glee expressed by Israelis from all walks of life in the face of this footage.

Zionism is a death cult that glorifies the mass murder of those not like them. We cannot break bread with these people, we cannot falsely assume that we share any values whatsoever with them. To preserve America, we must isolate Israel from us just as one avoids someone infected with a physical disease. No money, no weapons, no influencing our elections, no duel-citizenship for elected or appointed officials.

I idly envision Fortress America, but I know that it’s a fantasy. Where America itself is seen in almost religious light by its citizens, where its citizens learn its history, understand its importance, and work to preserve this living breathing entity that is our nation.

Instead, we are taught to be global citizens, to accept everyone and every creed as equally good and valid. We learn nothing of our history except that we’re expected to be ashamed of it. We take on debt, develop various digital addictions, and try not to notice that our children will be handed a shell of a country, and their children will be forced to live in its ashes.

The first step in reversing this future is building a wall between us and Israel, because the border between our country and theirs is even more non-existent than the one on our southern border. We need a permanent separation from this nation of demons if we are ever to remember who we are. The idea of America is something unique in history, and should be treated as such.

Author: S. Smith