Was Stephen Hawking…scamming us?

Just like Helen Keller, the Stephen Hawking story was force-fed to millions of American school kids over the past several decades as a feel-good, overcoming adversity-type story that gullible adults eat up. It looks like it was all a ruse. Lmao



FDA commissioner repeats familiar canard about new bird flu

FDA commissioner Robert Califf claims the new bird flu could be “10 times worse than COVID”. What a strange and familiar statement. What does that remind you of? Oh yeah, Fauci’s claim before Congress, in the spring of 2020, that COVID was 10 times worse than seasonal flu, sending the stock market into a tailspin, and transforming public fear of the new virus into full-blown mass hysteria.

The thing about crying wolf is that it only works once. No one is listening to these self-discredited bureaucrats any longer.

Bald treason

This is the Speaker of the House flagrantly committing treason, even boasting of it. Where to even begin to fix this situation? How to root out this overriding prioritization of a foreign nation, at the expense of our own? I don’t think it’s possible. The US in its current state is too far gone.


Decrepit decivilizationists attack the literal Magna Carta

It’s sad to see someone so old engage in such destructively juvenile behavior. The anti-carbon cult always appears to attack the fundaments of Western civilization, because they hate Western civilization with a prehistoric passion. Some people, too many people, just want to see civilization burn. Thankfully, the priceless document is protected by thick glass, and is not in much danger of harm.


19-year old dies within 24 hours of receiving flu shot

Vaccines as an institution are protected at all costs by the medical community. Even in the face of deaths, even in the face of the bald reality that these vaccines don’t do anything at all for their recipients, except cause harm. No one is being protected by the flu shot. Vaccines have become a religious institution, and defended with mindless religious devotion. Any other product causing instant death would be pulled from the market, but not vaccines, which have become a sacrament of our God of Science.
