Fauci confesses that he “made up” social distancing and other COVID rules

Fauci made it all up! Note the lack of surprise here. Many of us knew all along that it was all made up, which made the harsh restrictions all the more insufferable. We lived through an unprecedented period of totalitarianism, supposedly to mitigate the spread of a new virus. Schoolchildren and nursing home residents suffered far more than anyone else, and now even Fauci is finally admitting it was all in vain. Nothing will happen, no justice, for the victims of these murderous policies. Everyone responsible will get away scot free, and history will paint them as heroes.

The final revelations will concern the vaccine, and someone will eventually produce a final Gruesome tally of the mRNA dead that even our medical establishment will concede as accurate. We’ll see a collective shoulder shrug and then we’ll all move on as if nothing had happened.

Author: S. Smith