Alex Jones forced to sell Infowars

I am unable to understand how a $1.5 billion judgment is possible in a speech case. In contrast, OJ Simpson was ordered to pay $33 million to the families of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman for their brutal stabbing murders. For Jones, the money would go to the families of the Sandy Hook victims. But Jones didn’t murder the children, he spoke about mass shooting itself, in a hurtful manner, but hurt feelings do not constitute a crime. The foundations of the First Amendment are being steadily eroded, and convictions for speech continue to rise.

The animal impulses of society at large are rebelling against civilization and its standards. Rampant technological progress has hastened the collective infantilization of the upper middle class who hold power and steer society. Enormous corporations mass produce a digital opiate that is practically given away in order to secure life-long users. In what way could we possibly reverse this trend when the established order is hellbent on dynamiting its own foundations? The test of civilization is an unmoving fealty to principle, but we are now unmoored from principle and now we drift.

Author: S. Smith