The Robbie Parker red pill

Alex Jones is being ground into powder for questioning the official story surrounding the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting. Offensive or not, his speech is protected under the First Amendment, which exists solely to protect controversial speech. It wasn’t written so people could talk about the weather, but to freely voice controversial opinions. So it’s incumbent on us to look closer into this event that we’re supposed to feel intimidated into silence over. For most people, the rabbit hole begins with this clip of Robbie Parker, father of 6-year old Emile Parker, speaking at a press conference a single day after his daughter was allegedly murdered in the mass shooting. Notice his chuckling, unbothered demeanor just before he reaches the podium. Notice how it looks like he has to psyche himself up before speaking. Is this the behavior of a man whose daughter died suddenly just one day prior? It’s just too much for me to believe that this is a man who lost his daughter 24 hours ago. The rabbit hole goes far deeper, but this clip is usually the first tumble down.

Author: S. Smith