The Democrats are going to ban Zyn

Philip Morris just announced a halt on nationwide sales of the wildly popular nicotine pouch, Zyn, due to a subpoena issued by the DC attorney general regarding the District of C***’s ban on flavored nicotine pouches. Zyn, already experiencing a nationwide shortage because the company can’t pump out the product fast enough to keep up with demand, will virtually disappear from the market altogether until the Democrats can cobble together a coalition that will force through a total ban on flavored nicotine of any variety: pouches, gum, et cetera.

Will anyone do anything about this further encroachment on our freedom by a coalition of elite, authoritarian prudes, or will we just let it happen? I’m betting on the latter. The COVID lockdowns, mask mandates, and vax mandates were imposed on us while the Republican Party did absolutely nothing for years. This is blood in the water, and the authoritarian wing of our government knows it can get away with anything.

We as a culture are descending into an era of mindless, prude authoritarianism. Anything unpatentable that achieves widespread popularity is looked on with scorn by ugly, hunchbacked buzz-kills who have weaseled their way into positions of authority and now get to crush the dreams of people far happier and in love with life than they themselves. These are the spiritual descendants of the authors of Prohibition, curfews, bans on Sunday dancing, incandescent bulbs, 2-point beer, non-smoking zones, the heirs of skirt-length measurers, the CoEXIsT Prius drivers who are fueled by hatred of anyone unlike them. And who would want to be like them? No one. Not even they like themselves, which is the source of all this man-made misery. So many social problems stem from this group of self-haters whose only joy is stamping on the joy of others.

Author: S. Smith