ATF thugs kill another father, husband, and executive director of an airport in a pre-dawn raid

Bryan Malinowski was shot to death at 6:03am on March 19th in Little Rock, Arkansas, by a coterie of armed federal thugs who had broken down his door just 60 seconds prior. Before breaking into the Malinowski home, the agents first cut power to the house, and covered the doorbell camera with tape. They were also not wearing their required body cameras. Honest lawmen don’t behave this way; terrorists do. Malinowski, assuming that this was a criminal home invasion (he assumed correctly), armed himself and engaged the badged thugs (who didn’t announce that they were federal agents beforehand) in a brief firefight, before he was shot to death. The agents then escorted Bryan’s wife, Maer Malinowski, who was understandably catatonic over the sudden chaos and abrupt tragedy of the death of her husband, outside and into 34 degree weather for several hours while the thugs ransacked and desecrated their home, looking for anything at all incriminating against a prominent citizen of Little Rock with no criminal history.

What was the raid about? Malinowski, the executive director the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport of Little Rock, was a firearm enthusiast and a gun show enthusiast, and he regularly set up a table at various gun shows and sold guns that he’d bought from other dealers. This isn’t a crime unless the ATF says it is, and due to their enigmatic rules surrounding firearm sales, they can conjure a felony out of almost any commercial interaction involving firearm sales. Apparently, Malinowski hadn’t filed the proper paperwork, and in the eyes of the ATF this warranted the most cold-bloodedly evil of police responses. Why wasn’t he arrested at work? Why didn’t a few agents show up to his home, unarmed, and question him or serve him papers? A pre-dawn, no-knock raid on Malinowski was almost guaranteed to end in his death, which appears to have been the goal all along. This looks like a hit, carried out by federal hatchet men and the familiar coward-killers that gravitate towards employment that allows them an opportunity to kill, guilt-free.

The ATF serves no other purpose than to harass, intimidate, and even kill, law-abiding Americans. It’s an evil agency that must be scrapped.

Author: S. Smith