1901 days later, Julian Assange is free from Belmarsh Prison

Stunning news yesterday that Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks and publisher of the infamous “collateral murder” video of US troops firing on and killing unarmed civilians in Iraq, has been released from England’s harsh Belmarsh prison and is now en route to his homeland of Australia to be with his wife and young children.

His imprisonment never should have happened. In a just world, the architects of the Iraq invasion and subsequent decimation would’ve served lengthy prison terms, not Assange. He merely exposed their crimes. I was convinced that he would die in Belmarsh, a deliberate goal of Western elites to serve as a warning to anyone bold enough to challenge their power.

I wonder what’s next for Assange, who has almost become a living canonized saint? Will he continue to speak out and publish, or is he content to resign from public life? I have a feeling it will be the former.

Author: S. Smith