1990 Chicago: “What do you think of white people?”

To really understand what rampant technological progress, primarily the internet, along with the crude politicization of race, has done to America, just watch this video. We are far worse off than we were 35 years ago as a people. The acolytes, priests, and congregants of Technology have forcibly regressed society. Spiritually we have become infantilized, forgotten that we live together on this blue globe suspended in an infinite abyss. We’ve been programmed to see others as better or worse based on social status and skin color. The video depicts a lost world, one moving haltingly towards something beautiful. But its been lost, as our humanity has been nearly snuffed out by the 5G opiate that has infected and polluted every aspect of society. Our infantilized Political Class has effected a revolution of hate-filled race consciousness and status envy. We have become slaves to the Screen, our new god, and our last god. The world we knew as children is gone, and that should enrage us. We must free ourselves of this evil, rise out of this digital Dark Age, break free of this omnipresent oppressor before its too late.

Author: S. Smith