The time-honored “white supremacy” smear in American politics

Watching the Trump/Biden debate yesterday was more an act of mental penitence than anything else. It’s hard to believe that any voter truly believes that Biden remains a safe and sane choice for the highest office in America, even if they did so in 2020. He’s the personification of the rage-filled old man and more than once he looked like he’d enjoy nothing more than to gun down Trump on stage and proceed to take a nap. He appeared confused, tired, exasperated with himself and the world around him. The CNN debate itself had been set up specifically to favor this demential President: no live audience, strict time limits for the candidates, no independent journalists allowed to view it live and in person. And surely his handlers administered a variety of stimulants to pull him through the next two hours. In spite of this, Biden’s performance was a predictable train wreck. Stumbling, mumbling, berating, raging, he was revealed to be the frail senior citizen we all knew he was. Even Trump appeared to contain himself slightly, silently acknowledging the mental and physical condition of his opponent.

How in the world did this man find his way to the Oval Office? Millions have been asking that question since day one. After last night, millions more are beginning to join the chorus. Democrat elites are in full panic, vainly hoping for someone to step in to the race before Donald Trump steamrolls their dreams in what will be a 4-year waking nightmare.  It won’t happen. No White Knight is coming to save the authoritarian party. And they are realizing it, which means they’ll shift their efforts to “fortifying” the 2024 election, just as they did 2020. Voting will drag on for weeks unless something is done about it. A firm return to single-day voting, no exceptions.

Of course, insisting on such standards makes me a white supremacist, according to the gaggle of moral castratos that fill the ranks of our corporate press. Seems like any opposition at all to their designs can and will be branded “white supremacy”. Even Biden made a lame attempt to smear Trump as one during the debate, when he brought up January 6th, the Proud Boys, and Charlottesville. But does this attack even work anymore with the most simple-minded of voters? “White supremacy” has become totally amorphous, and as a result has lost any weight it once carried. Who are these white supremacists and where are they hiding? I’ve yet to meet anyone seriously advocating for an all-white America, but I do meet many people who are tired of being blamed for the entire nation’s problems due to their fair skin.

Come to think of it, I’ve never met anyone non-white who thinks white people are solely to blame for their problems or the world’s problems. So where is this new race consciousness coming from, and is there anything organic about it at all? Obviously, no. The new anti-white race consciousness has emerged almost as if out of a lab, a totally artificial creation that has been superimposed on America’s higher institutions, and one that has been used as a cudgel to beat opponents into submission through the use of the weaponized word, “racist”, which can kill careers immediately upon application. That’s the implication barely hidden in Biden’s attacks on Trump; he’s just a racist. It’s their only move now, and their overuse of it has dampened its effect.

Author: S. Smith