Trump in 2024: Automatic green card for international students who graduate from US universities

Trump appeared on the All In Podcast recently and stated that every international student who graduates from a US university should receive a green card “automatically”. I’ve never understood this sentiment, and I’ve heard it everywhere, and always spoken with an air of self-righteous compassion, as if American-born Americans who would love to attend their native universities don’t exist at all. Trump 2024 is not Trump 2016, and this attitude about doling out green cards proves it. This is amnesty through the American university system, and would be transformed as such if this policy were adopted. Trump’s transformation here is another variation of the “America as international buffet”, the MAGA figurehead turning on the movement he spawned by slipping amnesty in through the back door. Entire generations of Americans are being totally ignored, their futures discarded, in favor of this type of shallow, self-righteous pandering. There should be no talk at all of prioritizing non-citizens over citizens, no matter their credentials. Immigration in moderation is great, and there is no need to encourage it, it will happen naturally. The only appropriate attitude regarding immigration from a Presidential candidate should revolve around how to stem the tide. Here’s what I’d like to hear from Trump: “How do we get more Americans in our universities and graduate programs?” Not “automatic green cards”.

Trump is slipping into the “America as international buffet” status quo elite attitude that we’ve all been acclimated to accept. Why should we feel so ashamed to say that America, first and foremost, should be for Americans, just as Lebanon should be for the Lebanese, Mexico for the Mexican, Canada for the Canadian, France for the French, India for the Indians, et cetera et cetera, so on and so forth. Taught from birth the myth of the melting pot, we Americans are conditioned to accept the world gorging our native country while bitching about how there isn’t more that they are given. Zelensky is a good example, the ingrate archetype, constantly demanding more, and being given more. Well, no more.

Shouldn’t American universities be for Americans? Shouldn’t American jobs, primarily? Yes we benefit from immigrant labor, but no self-respecting nation should be concerned with immigration primarily as a cheap source of labor, which strays into the morally corrupt field of the human trafficking of vulnerable foreigners. Is it somehow hateful to state this in this way? Entire generations of young Americans are experiencing a nullification of their futures because our leaders are focused on groups of people other than they themselves.

Refugees enter the US illegally by the hundreds of thousands every month, and yet we ignore the growing number of American-born displaced, a direct consequence of our leaders’ preoccupation with “globalization” and the import of foreign laborers.

We should again feel comfortable with stating openly that American should primarily be for Americans.

ATF thugs kill another father, husband, and executive director of an airport in a pre-dawn raid

Bryan Malinowski was shot to death at 6:03am on March 19th in Little Rock, Arkansas, by a coterie of armed federal thugs who had broken down his door just 60 seconds prior. Before breaking into the Malinowski home, the agents first cut power to the house, and covered the doorbell camera with tape. They were also not wearing their required body cameras. Honest lawmen don’t behave this way; terrorists do. Malinowski, assuming that this was a criminal home invasion (he assumed correctly), armed himself and engaged the badged thugs (who didn’t announce that they were federal agents beforehand) in a brief firefight, before he was shot to death. The agents then escorted Bryan’s wife, Maer Malinowski, who was understandably catatonic over the sudden chaos and abrupt tragedy of the death of her husband, outside and into 34 degree weather for several hours while the thugs ransacked and desecrated their home, looking for anything at all incriminating against a prominent citizen of Little Rock with no criminal history.

What was the raid about? Malinowski, the executive director the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport of Little Rock, was a firearm enthusiast and a gun show enthusiast, and he regularly set up a table at various gun shows and sold guns that he’d bought from other dealers. This isn’t a crime unless the ATF says it is, and due to their enigmatic rules surrounding firearm sales, they can conjure a felony out of almost any commercial interaction involving firearm sales. Apparently, Malinowski hadn’t filed the proper paperwork, and in the eyes of the ATF this warranted the most cold-bloodedly evil of police responses. Why wasn’t he arrested at work? Why didn’t a few agents show up to his home, unarmed, and question him or serve him papers? A pre-dawn, no-knock raid on Malinowski was almost guaranteed to end in his death, which appears to have been the goal all along. This looks like a hit, carried out by federal hatchet men and the familiar coward-killers that gravitate towards employment that allows them an opportunity to kill, guilt-free.

The ATF serves no other purpose than to harass, intimidate, and even kill, law-abiding Americans. It’s an evil agency that must be scrapped.

The Democrats are going to ban Zyn

Philip Morris just announced a halt on nationwide sales of the wildly popular nicotine pouch, Zyn, due to a subpoena issued by the DC attorney general regarding the District of C***’s ban on flavored nicotine pouches. Zyn, already experiencing a nationwide shortage because the company can’t pump out the product fast enough to keep up with demand, will virtually disappear from the market altogether until the Democrats can cobble together a coalition that will force through a total ban on flavored nicotine of any variety: pouches, gum, et cetera.

Will anyone do anything about this further encroachment on our freedom by a coalition of elite, authoritarian prudes, or will we just let it happen? I’m betting on the latter. The COVID lockdowns, mask mandates, and vax mandates were imposed on us while the Republican Party did absolutely nothing for years. This is blood in the water, and the authoritarian wing of our government knows it can get away with anything.

We as a culture are descending into an era of mindless, prude authoritarianism. Anything unpatentable that achieves widespread popularity is looked on with scorn by ugly, hunchbacked buzz-kills who have weaseled their way into positions of authority and now get to crush the dreams of people far happier and in love with life than they themselves. These are the spiritual descendants of the authors of Prohibition, curfews, bans on Sunday dancing, incandescent bulbs, 2-point beer, non-smoking zones, the heirs of skirt-length measurers, the CoEXIsT Prius drivers who are fueled by hatred of anyone unlike them. And who would want to be like them? No one. Not even they like themselves, which is the source of all this man-made misery. So many social problems stem from this group of self-haters whose only joy is stamping on the joy of others.

The Parkland memory hole: who were the men jumping into the white truck?

This news report shows a group of black-clad men carrying large duffle bags jump into the back of a white truck immediately after the Stoneman Douglas mass school shooting. The girl being interviewed seems to imply that she was with Nikolas Cruz, the convicted killer, while shots were being fired, but not fired by him. We have to question these events because they are used to such great effect for social control. Mass shootings have become ingrained onto the American psyche, affecting us at a subconscious level. We’ve been conditioned to panic, to behave like frightened animals, and we don’t even realize what’s happened. The events used in this conditioning must therefore be scrutinized with a microscope, not locked away under threats of prosecution.

The firehouse loop

Here is the infamous Sandy Hook firehouse loop. Is there any logical explanation for why these people steadily cycled in and out of the firehouse, the day of the shooting? Notice Gene Rosen also wandering around.

The Robbie Parker red pill

Alex Jones is being ground into powder for questioning the official story surrounding the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting. Offensive or not, his speech is protected under the First Amendment, which exists solely to protect controversial speech. It wasn’t written so people could talk about the weather, but to freely voice controversial opinions. So it’s incumbent on us to look closer into this event that we’re supposed to feel intimidated into silence over. For most people, the rabbit hole begins with this clip of Robbie Parker, father of 6-year old Emile Parker, speaking at a press conference a single day after his daughter was allegedly murdered in the mass shooting. Notice his chuckling, unbothered demeanor just before he reaches the podium. Notice how it looks like he has to psyche himself up before speaking. Is this the behavior of a man whose daughter died suddenly just one day prior? It’s just too much for me to believe that this is a man who lost his daughter 24 hours ago. The rabbit hole goes far deeper, but this clip is usually the first tumble down.

Israel “rescues” four hostages at the expense of over 250 innocent lives

IDF troops, aided by the US, slipped into Nuseirat refugee camp on Saturday in an attempt to free the remaining hostages. In the process, the Israeli troops massacred over 250 Palestinian innocents, including three hostages, allegedly. But four were freed, and Netanyahu was given a short-lived political victory. Very short lived, because unless they can keep the newly-freed hostages from talking, Hamas and the Palestinians will gain further sympathy as news of their humane treatment at the hands of the supposed terrorists comes to light.

One hostage, 26-year old Noa Argamani, appears to be a picture of health just days after her release. She even looks like she gained weight while in captivity. Bad PR for the Zionist psycho-smucks, which is why they probably prefer the hostages to be dead, even if it means at the hands of the Zionists themselves. Evidence for this comes straight from a hostage rescued in February, who said that he and the other hostages feared the Israeli warplanes far more than their Hamas captors.

Noa, before and after captivity: