Thomas Massie reveals that every Republican congressman has an AIPAC handler

Watch this short interview segment with Tucker HERE

So each and every US Republican congressman, aside from Massie, has a foreign handler, shadowing his or her votes, monitoring their messaging regarding Israel, and pressuring them to vote and behave in certain ways, in order to guarantee continued Israeli support.

Our relationship with Israel is utterly parasitic, and a total disgrace. We should be ashamed and outraged that our government is controlled in this way.

Kick AIPAC out, ban dual citizens from holding public office or any governmental position whatsoever. Native-born Americans only from now on in each and every public office. America for Americans, which means our American government serving the interest of American citizens.

Alex Jones forced to sell Infowars

I am unable to understand how a $1.5 billion judgment is possible in a speech case. In contrast, OJ Simpson was ordered to pay $33 million to the families of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman for their brutal stabbing murders. For Jones, the money would go to the families of the Sandy Hook victims. But Jones didn’t murder the children, he spoke about mass shooting itself, in a hurtful manner, but hurt feelings do not constitute a crime. The foundations of the First Amendment are being steadily eroded, and convictions for speech continue to rise.

The animal impulses of society at large are rebelling against civilization and its standards. Rampant technological progress has hastened the collective infantilization of the upper middle class who hold power and steer society. Enormous corporations mass produce a digital opiate that is practically given away in order to secure life-long users. In what way could we possibly reverse this trend when the established order is hellbent on dynamiting its own foundations? The test of civilization is an unmoving fealty to principle, but we are now unmoored from principle and now we drift.

The internet was a mistake

High-speed internet has been introduced in a remote Amazon tribe, and predictably the tribal youth have become addicted to social media and porn. This probably confirms the tribal elders’ suspicions regarding the outside world, and they will soon nuke their internet connection if they have the power to.

Tribes from all over the globe have been forced to contend with internet missionaries, who come bearing the digital opiate. Communities that have lived for thousands of years apart from the West are now given the West’s most destructive creation.

Fauci confesses that he “made up” social distancing and other COVID rules

Fauci made it all up! Note the lack of surprise here. Many of us knew all along that it was all made up, which made the harsh restrictions all the more insufferable. We lived through an unprecedented period of totalitarianism, supposedly to mitigate the spread of a new virus. Schoolchildren and nursing home residents suffered far more than anyone else, and now even Fauci is finally admitting it was all in vain. Nothing will happen, no justice, for the victims of these murderous policies. Everyone responsible will get away scot free, and history will paint them as heroes.

The final revelations will concern the vaccine, and someone will eventually produce a final Gruesome tally of the mRNA dead that even our medical establishment will concede as accurate. We’ll see a collective shoulder shrug and then we’ll all move on as if nothing had happened.