English Bob on the Fourth of July

What a wonderful scene, where we get to see a slightly younger Dumbledore insult the office of the Presidency while heavily implying its tragic flaw: it is vulgarized, debased, via mass voting. Give us an American monarchy, as the South undoubtedly would have done had they won the Civil War, or had the Civil War not been fought at all. Just imagine the world we would’ve had.

Assassination hypotheticals

Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned, finally, after immense and unrelenting pressure placed on her by Congress and the public. Great. But we still have questions that don’t appear to have answers forthcoming. Specifically, how did the Secret Service miss the sniper when they were within 30ish feet of him, in full view of his position? The shooter allegedly flew a drone around the rally just before climbing the roof. A picture was taken OF CROOKS HIMSELF while on the ground, but supposedly lost sight of him. Crooks allegedly rode a “bike” to the rally. Was it a motorcycle or was it a bicycle? How in the world did he transport his weapon undetected if it was either of those two? We were told that Crooks had remote detonators for bombs in his car and other places. What car?

So, could scrawny Crooks really have been an expertly trained marksman, somehow willing to sacrifice his life in order to kill him? He had no social media, no internet presence at all to speak of.

So, a hypothetical. Was Crooks a part of what he thought to be a training exercise that turned out not to be the case? Was this an elaborate entrapment operation created by law enforcement, as they have so many times in the past, that got out of hand? Crooks is alleged to have learned to shoot at a shooting range used by law enforcement. Was he groomed to be the Trump assassin by law enforcement, who would then swoop in at the last moment and kill him before he took his shot?

Was there really a police sniper stationed mere yards from Crooks, who didn’t act, or refused to act, to stop Crooks?

Again: how did Crooks arrive at the rally. Where was his gun. How in the world did he crawl across the roof and take a few shots off before being killed.

I’m guessing that Crooks believed his first shot would be the kill shot, and that he could scurry back down the roof, hop on his motorcycle or bicycle or whatever, and flee the scene.

I can easily envision a scenario where Trump is killed, and Crooks escapes on his motorcycle. Which means he had a plan of what he’d do at that point. What was the plan? Where was he planning to go once his mission was complete? This is what we need to know.

Protesters give Netanyahu a well-deserved welcome fit for a war criminal

Thug and mass murderer Netanyahu has arrived in DC to address his lapdogs in Congress, and the lapdogs will grovel at his feet. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t having an easy time of it during his stay in the US. Hundreds of protestors have spent the entire night making as much noise as possible outside his hotel, shining bright lights at his windows and loudly letting him know that we think he’s a mass-murdering thug who deserves a tribunal and prison sentence. Someone clever person also released thousands of maggots in the hotel conference room. Fitting. Is the tide turning, and is the hollow smear of “anti-Semite” losing its power? It really feels like it is. 250 years ago, America freed itself from a tiny, oppressive, overseas nation and gained its freedom. It’s high time we free ourselves from another faraway, tiny nation that holds too much sway over our nation now.

The Kamala coup

No one seems too bothered by the fact that nobody voted for Kamala in the primaries, yet she has secured far more than enough delegates to cinch the nomination at the DNC in August. Why isn’t RFK Jr., the runner up, automatically the nominee? It seems to me that the only way Kamala could be legitimately considered the nominee is if she became the acting President once Biden dropped out. But he’s still the President on paper, so Kamala’s auto-coronation is clearly illegitimate.

So, will Kamala become President within the week? Biden has been unseen and unheard from for 5 days. Reports now indicate that Biden experienced a “medical emergency” while in Las Vegas, and was rushed to seek medical treatment. Biden has allegedly remained in Delaware since then. But there’s no way to confirm that, because no one has seen him.

Biden has dropped out of the race, and now he might resign from the Presidency. Kamala will be acting President, but being deeply unpopular, she’ll lose by a wide margin to Trump in November. But will Trump make it to November? Whoever orchestrated the failed Trump assassination surely has a backup plan. They’ll do anything they can to prevent a fair match-up between Kamala and Trump.

Was the attempted Trump assassination an entrapment plot that went live?

Lots and lots to go over, as quite a bit of new and damning information has emerged surrounding Thomas Crooks and his failed assassination of Trump. We’ve now learned that the shooter was a member of a high-profile shooting club, frequented by law enforcement for training purposes. Another account has tracked Crooks’ phone, and found several eyebrow-raising destinations:

Here is a quote from a recent CBS article:

“The sources familiar with the briefing told CBS News that among the evidence that law enforcement found on and near the gunman’s body was an AR-style rifle, a remote transmitter and a primary cellphone. Sources said investigators found two explosive devices, a drone, a tactical vest and four magazines of the same ammunition used in the attack inside Crooks’ car. 

In his house he shared with his parents and sister, investigators seized over a dozen weapons, an explosive device, a secondary cellphone, a laptop, a hard drive and three USB flash drives.”

Crooks lived with his parents and sister, and yet they were oblivious to what was about to transpire?

The mention of the tactical vest is unsettling. Every mass murderer with a high kill count seems to have one.

Also, how was Crooks able to carry his gun from his car to the building undetected? Was the gun already waiting for him? Why did Crooks search the internet for “where to buy ammo” on the day of the shooting? He’d also Googled information on previous mass shootings, but it all smells fishy, like someone or a group of someones attempting to cover their tracks. The Secret Service stationed agents in the second floor of the building that Crooks used to shoot from. They had a clear window view of Crooks’ location, but did nothing. What were they doing in there, watching a movie? Was someone with them in there, purposely distracting the other agents from looking out the window? Were their comms even on by that point?