The Great Replacement comes to Springfield, Ohio

Springfield, a city of around 55,000 residents, has been thrown into crisis as a result of an influx of 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants having been settled there over the past four years.  This Middle America town has been thrust to the front lines of an engineered demographic revolution known by many as the Great Replacement. Having arrived and settled this area under our far-too-generous asylum system, the city is scrambling to provide housing for these newcomers, ironically providing aid and charity to their replacements.

Why does America, and why do Americans, feel obligated to self-immolate to provide aid to these foreign masses? Why does it seem like we as a culture have no self-respect when it comes to invasion-level immigration? Haiti has fallen into lawless chaos, but why does that mean that we are obligated to accept every person fleeing the chaos?

Time to learn self-respect and put an end to this slow-motion suicide.

Author: S. Smith