
The 2020 film, Possessor, is a portrait of the life of an assassin who, through technology, “possesses” the body of someone, using that body to murder some VIP. The possessor either commits “suicide” in the possessed body, or allows herself to be killed by the responding officers, waking back up safely in her own body. Is this tech in use today? Is it really so hard to consider it a possibility, what with the advances made with Neuralink and others? Many disparate killings have occurred over the past decade, by unassuming individuals with no criminal past, and no evidence of advanced weapons training. And yet they move and kill like a professional, all the while knowing that they are going to their death. Are they “possessed” technologically, by a remote assassin? If so, why is Hollywood seeding the public with these concepts? As a way of mocking us, breadcrumbing us with outlandish truths?

Author: S. Smith