Trump shooter previously appeared in a BlackRock ad

This is extremely weird. 20-year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, now dead but not before taking the life of an innocent bystander, once appeared in a BlackRock ad (WATCH HERE) looking very normal. Those acquainted with him also considered him normal, albeit a “loner”. There’s also a clip of him receiving his diploma, again, looking very normal. Not much to go on, but it’s enough to make one wonder why someone like this would suddenly throw their life away in an attempt to kill Trump.

Another thing that is odd: both Crooks’ parents were professional behavioral therapists. What does that mean in the big picture? Too soon to say, but the fields of psychology are filled with Frankensteins and Oppenheimers, tinkering with things that should be left alone.

So, the shooting. Crooks had to have known that this was a suicide mission, that he wouldn’t make it out alive. He openly carried a rifle onto a nearby roof, in full view of rally attendees. How did he get onto the roof? Some say that he brought a ladder, or a ladder was already waiting for him. He shimmied across the roof, found a suitable position, waited, and then fired. This all happened while attendees were screaming that someone on the roof had a gun. I’m a little surprised that the gunman wasn’t dressed in military garb, to fool the Secret Service snipers, but it appears that he wore clothes to blend into the crowd of Trump supporters.

So Crooks shoots, fails in his mission, and is immediately killed by counter snipers. All this doesn’t really add up. Is this really an act committed by a relatively normal person? What social and professional circles did Crooks move through? Considering his parents’ profession, and his appearance in the BlackRock ad, I’d say he was in close proximity to very dark organizations and machinations his entire life. I’d say he was used by the permanent state as a disposable tool to achieve the death of Donald Trump.

I honestly think this could be another case of technological possession. There’s always the shadow of the professional in shootings like this one. Crooks came within 1 inch of achieving his aim. How much training would it take to get this close to a candidate, evading the enormous police presence, and come so close to achieving your goal, all the while knowing with certainty that you are about to die a horrible death? Was 20-year old Crooks really capable of all that?

Author: S. Smith