Protesters give Netanyahu a well-deserved welcome fit for a war criminal

Thug and mass murderer Netanyahu has arrived in DC to address his lapdogs in Congress, and the lapdogs will grovel at his feet. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t having an easy time of it during his stay in the US. Hundreds of protestors have spent the entire night making as much noise as possible outside his hotel, shining bright lights at his windows and loudly letting him know that we think he’s a mass-murdering thug who deserves a tribunal and prison sentence. Someone clever person also released thousands of maggots in the hotel conference room. Fitting. Is the tide turning, and is the hollow smear of “anti-Semite” losing its power? It really feels like it is. 250 years ago, America freed itself from a tiny, oppressive, overseas nation and gained its freedom. It’s high time we free ourselves from another faraway, tiny nation that holds too much sway over our nation now.

Author: S. Smith