Would a monarch go full retard to gain votes?

Kamala’s gyrations and counterfeit affectations depending on the audience remind me of Robert Downey Jr.’s character in Tropic Thunder, who, when speaking to Stiller, explains the perils of going “full retard”.

A politician, in present-day, fiat engorged United States, appears to be someone with the willingness to do anything to gain votes, even it it means, well, going full retard. We see it all the time, the stupid jokes, the bottom-rung IQ catchphrases, the ruinous policy proposals that are put forth on the campaign trail. And voters, having gone full retard themselves, whoop, holler, and lap up the empty promises of the pulpit retards.

A king wouldn’t behave this way. A Jefferson, Madison, Adams, wouldn’t. And they would never be elected today. Their like is sitting in silence in reading rooms, withdrawn from the retarded world around them, understanding that democracy elevates the retard to total power, giving the facade of a voice to the retarded masses, enacting retarded policies, instigating retarded wars, and causing biblical destruction. Democracy is rule by retard. Watch Kamala Harris speak unscripted and the simple truth cannot be denied. Her mere existence in government is an insult to the dignity of America.

Is it too much to ask for our national leader to be chosen by another method? Are we really going to go through this destructive electoral process every four years, in perpetuity? Every four years a new slate of retards ready to plunder the nation in their own way, and so on and so forth. America deserves more, far more.

Author: S. Smith