Republican poll watchers are apparently unwelcome in the Dem wasteland of Detroit

Lara Trump, in a recent interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromow, revealed that, while 700 Republican poll watchers applied for the job in Wayne County, only 50 were accepted. In contrast, 2,300 Democrat poll watchers were accepted. It’s not difficult to understand the motive behind this, and any rational observer would come to the conclusion that any election held there would not be free or fair. She then revealed that a lawsuit had now been filed in Detroit to address this suspicious disparity, in hopes that an equal number of partisan poll watchers will ensure fair voting for both sides.

There is a serious lack of faith in the Democratic Party when it comes to their candidates’ chances in an open and fair election, and it appears that only unrelenting legal pressure will force them to play fair. It certainly begs the question: what else do the Democrats have up their sleeve in the run-up to November?

Author: S. Smith