Nonchalant inhumanity has become epidemic

How many people among us are fully psychically human? How many are moral and spiritual blanks, and who are responsible for all the ills of this world? I’d say the ratio is something close to 1/500, as sad as that may sound. The former are responsible for all that is good in the world, our safety, our standard of living. They put their necks on the line to protect us, fending off crypto-barbarians, the 5G troglodytes, who have never made the effort to attain full humanity. The COVID pandemic was the best example of a troglodytic counterrevolution, and it came close to snuffing out the voices and power of the human, installing a caliphate of herd animals being forcibly guided by whip-bearing masters. Our new god, the omnipresent Screen, has spawned a generation of people who have been allowed to avoid the discomfort that comes with thinking things out, with the spiritual growth that comes with reflection, the wrestling with moral and spiritual dilemmas. The Screen generates troglodyte masses, malleable, equipped with the emotional control of a spoiled child. I use the below video only as a microscopic example of what is happening on a global scale. The man below doesn’t seem to care whether this other human being could very well die below him. He just stands there in Stone Age stupidity. We are being decivilized by design.

Author: S. Smith