After the pager bombs, the US must boycott all Israeli-made products

The big news yesterday was that many big, bad, Hezbollah terrorists were killed or maimed after their pagers exploded in what was an apparent remote detonation by Israel. Israel somehow cajoled the Lebanese fighters into buying the booby-trapped pagers through a front company, and waited until they were distributed before activating the charges within. Pro-Israel dummies around the world have celebrated the attack, sharing footage far and wide of the explosions that occurred around Lebanon, mindlessly cheering what amounts to a violent and wantonly destructive terrorist attack. But the moral of this event is that all Israeli-made products should be considered compromised, and an immediate boycott should be placed on their products. As I’ve said before, the Israeli leadership and military is infected with a culture of abject savagery, and they’ve shown themselves willing to murder anyone opposed to their will. We do not share values with these barbarians, and we shouldn’t be buying their products. Not merely bombs, but back doors should be assumed to have been installed in all electronics made by Israel. American-made only, should be the attitude for all products, with a total ban on anything coming out of Israel.

Several young innocents were killed by the exploding pagers, and of course Israel doesn’t care. If we were smart, we would take note of this. But we, our government, and the legion of pro-Israel lapdogs, are not smart. I imagine if Palestinian protesters were killed on US soil by exploding pagers, the lapdogs would also cheer. That should give us pause as well, an force us to confront the sickness of our unyielding devotion to this tiny, murderous nation.

Author: S. Smith