Kamala sounds like the most extreme gun-grabber of all time

Conservatives love to brand Kamala and other radical Dems as “communist”. I’m sorry but you’re giving her too much credit. She and her colleagues do not have the capacity to remotely grasp the theoretical underpinnings of communism, as evil and totalitarian as they might be. But she understands raw power, as any animal can. It’s instinctual, and natural: “We must have the power to do X”. We see it play out on a micro scale all the time through violent crime, theft, home invasion, et cetera. What Kamala is aiming for is more power for the government to engage in this behavior on a macro scale. It’s the animal impulse we all harbor, but suppress because we can differentiate between right and wrong. This is the original form of government, government as beyond good and evil, as the ones determining good and evil itself. Government restricted in its power is a very new idea in the evolution of human civilization, government forced to obey rules of behavior that everyone else must also obey. Government as an institution that prevents the rise of the totalitarian form, which is a concept even harder to wrap one’s head around. The old form is unceasingly attempting to effect a revolution over the newer, more restrictive form, and Kamala is no more than an agent of that revolution. She is too dumb to understand communism, and we should stop calling her communist, but she can easily understand power, just as a toddler understands that he wants the toys of another kid. But kids must learn between what is theirs and what is not theirs, learning right from wrong. An extreme disconnect occurs when someone gains political power. They believe that rules of morality no longer apply to them, or can be stretched, or erased altogether via the magic democracy machine. If the voting masses will it, then morality can somehow be erased, and those granted the “will of the people” as somehow exempt from moral rules. Which reveals the evil inherent in democracy itself.


Author: S. Smith