Israel isn’t on the ballot this time around

Both candidates are fanatically pro-Israel, so Israeli genocide against Palestine shouldn’t even figure into our voting decisions come November. Yes it is ugly, but it’s a fact. Both Kamala and Trump will continue funneling weapons, money, and blind eyes to Israel as they continue to do whatever they want to their neighboring countries. Israel is currently bombing Lebanon, and just executed a murderous terrorist attack via remote bombs, and neither candidate cares. Lebanon could launch heavy reprisals, but it would cost innocent life, and the Arab nations appear desperate to not inflict innocent death, if only to avoid the international condemnation that Israel is apparently exempt from. I don’t see a way out for Lebanon, unless they coordinate an annihilation blow against Israel that prevents them from ever striking them again. But the Arab nations don’t appear to have the resolve to do so, understandably. Israel is considered to be a one-bomb country, in the sense that it is so small and so dense, that a single large bomb would end them. But the Arab nations have also not abandoned their humanity, and probably consider the massive innocent death toll as too high a price to eliminate their number one enemy. And the US reprisal would be devastating. They’re clearly thinking of their own citizens’ well being. The best path forward is to put that foreign conflict out of our minds as we creep towards election day.

Author: S. Smith