Elon remotely disables Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s cybertruck

After boasting of his acquisition of several Tesla Cybertrucks, Ramzan Kadyrov found that his cars have been “bricked”, and rendered completely unusable, after Tesla disabled them remotely. Whether you agree or not that terrorist leaders should be barred from access to American-made vehicles, the remote-disabling of the cars sets a terrible precedent. Almost all late-model vehicles are tracked via satellite by the manufacturers, and can be disabled remotely as well, regardless of whether they are electric or gas-powered. This is an alarming development that has gone almost completely unnoticed, because the tech hasn’t been used much on American soil. Do you really want to drive a vehicle that acts as a high-tech panopticon, tracking your every move, probably listening to your conversations, and ready at any moment to be disabled by the megacorporation that you purchased it from? Many people have been “debanked” by various large financial institutions, due to their political views. Your car could easily be rendered unusable based on your personal beliefs once it becomes normalized to extend the digital banishment from society. The same principle underlies central bank digital currency: your money could be shut down, leaving you marooned. We’re allowing a corporate Big Brother to take the place of government as the arbiter of our lives. How in the world can this be stopped?

Author: S. Smith