Will American soldiers be forced to die for Israel?

The more I learn about the chain of events that lead to war, the more I understand how completely avoidable all wars are, that peace isn’t fragile, but offers herself up on numerous occasions, even at the very last moment. We are cajoled into war by white-haired parasites who push for it incessantly. People whose souls have died, or have been pawned off for power, lead us from escalation to retarded escalation, all avoidable, and then take us to the precipice of war where we could still turn back, and they lead us over the cliff. It’s unbelievable, not just that it happens, but that we as a species are even still here, given the type of person who always seems to steer foreign policy. I say this because we’re watching another pointless war begin, between Lebanon and Israel. Well, it’s really Lebanon vs. the US, because Israel wouldn’t dare attack were it not for their priceless war guarantee from the United States.

Israel is our albatross, our spoiled rotten, psychotic adolescent who lashes out at others without repercussion. Israel kills wantonly, en masse, reveling in Gaza’s streets of gore, and like all serial killers, only want more, and will never stop of their own volition. Serial killers only stop when they themselves are imprisoned or killed. In Israel’s case, this will only happen when the US money and weapons ceases to flow. If and when that happens, we’ll see Israel’s psychotic rage directed at us. American politicians responsible for stopping the flow of money to Israel will be assassinated. Just watch.

There is no danger of it happening anytime soon, however. Just as a new regional war lights up between Israel and its fed-up neighbors, big daddy America sends in the troops, and weapons, to facilitate the deaths of thousands of Lebanese. Israel is hellbent on destroying Lebanon, for no other reason than the same blind hate that rests in the black hearts of school shooters, rapists, and torturers. How did we get here? How did we allow ourselves to be wedded to this Doomsday nation?

Israel is not worth an American life nor an American dollar. Let them fight on their own. And really, let the region itself restore balance, free of US interference. It won’t happen, but it should. As of this writing, billions worth’ of First World weaponry is being rushed to Israel’s doorstep, where it will be aimed at innocents and fired. Lebanon hopefully understands this, and understands the need for a crippling blow to Israel, but they may not act, because they know the consequences will be dire. Unlike Lebanon and other surrounding nations, Israel appears obsessed with Doomsday, and with total war, and cares not a whit for hundreds of thousands dead at their hands. This state of affairs cannot last. Nature will find a way to end it.

Author: S. Smith