Hellbound and down

Privacy and autonomy, amid the ravages of unchecked technological progress, are now almost obsolete. The troglodyte masses seal clap for every new gadget, new car feature, new phone. Designer drugs of convenience are being churned out mindlessly for the 5G junkies, the addled minds of the tech-ravaged wastelands clamoring for more, something new to turn on, tune in, and drop out. Boredom, that blazing forge that up until now has shaped the spirits and minds of the human race, has also been abolished. At the moment the tingling discomfort of boredom arises, we reach for our gadgets and scroll, or we turn on one of the endless and mindless streaming attractions to banish boredom, the new digital opium den, as society crumbles amid the weight of this mind-obliterating narcotic.

We are becoming less human in the face of this debilitating soporific, this irresistible opiate, as it spreads its disease throughout our world. Parents, having first developed the addiction, hand the drug to their children the moment they can operate a screen. The screen itself is becoming the parent, the friend, the confidant, the should to lean on, the ball and chain, the jealous lover. It competes for our limited attention with all the real people in our lives, and it usually wins. What real person can give us the hedonistic show that is on offer, 24/7, by the screen?

This is all occurring simultaneously with the rapid decline of Western society. Businesses closing up shop, never to return, while groceries and fuel are skyrocketing, pushing millions under water every month, as they take on debt just to make ends meet. Attitudes and opinions are getting stupider, haven’t you noticed? Look at everyone on the road these days, constantly looking down at their phones while speeding by at 45mph. College students move to and from class in a fugue state, clutching their phones as they walk, constantly looking down at the screen to ingest the infinite supply of the 5G opiate, mired in a heavy-lidded mental fog.

We will not survive this technological onslaught. It is consuming our lives. The Promised Land of a technological paradise was a lie. Rather than an Eden, we dimly acknowledge that we’re being fed upon by the technology itself. Rather than existing for the benefit of the human race, we have become the product. We’ve willingly plugged ourselves into this Matrix, and most would fight like hell to prevent ourselves from being woken up.

We are desperately in need of an intervention. But what would it take to even move towards a liberation from this drug? Far more strength of character than currently exists. We’re speeding towards a WALL-E dystopia, with all the child-like glee of an endless supply of ice cream.

Author: S. Smith