Israel uses an AI it’s dubbed “Where’s Daddy?” to know specifically when Hamas members are with their families

Israel plumbs the depths of depravity as a matter of course. This is just another example of a pattern of inhuman behavior that can be expected of such a savage culture. The IDF uses an AI that it has ghoulishly dubbed “Where’s Daddy?” to find out when Hamas fighters are at home with their families, so they can wipe out everyone all at once. Women, children, the elderly, Israel revels in this Bolshevik level of slaughter. This is just their culture, one of the most blackly evil on this planet, and we American taxpayers fund it.

We have no inkling of the level of evil in this world. We are unique, America is unique. We, on the whole, remain civilized and humane, despite every effort to transplant here the same culture of death that exists everywhere. The phrase “America First” should become a guiding philosophy with teeth, and America herself should become a fortress. Our freedom, our culture, is too fragile, and too many dark interests are whittling away at its foundation. We, and the world, should feel a sense of awe and wonder that this nation could exist amid a world of butchers and thieves. Instead, this nation, unique in history, is taken for granted. We fund butchers and mass murderers in foreign conflicts, and falsely believe that we are free from the consequences of doing so.

Author: S. Smith