Deep State scalp

Matt Gaetz’ abrupt withdrawal from nomination for Attorney General, after meeting with Republican senators is a worrying sign. Will every Trump pick be rejected, now that the permanent government smells blood in the water? What was said to Gaetz during his meeting with corrupt RINOs that convinced him to quickly exit? He didn’t have the votes, apparently. Unlike Democrats, Republican politicians have no qualms about sabotaging their voters or their party. Gaetz, normally a brutal and relentless fighter, suddenly waved the white flag and exited the arena. What could he have been threatened with to make him do this? And now we have Pam Bondi as the prospective second choice. Bondi has the expression of an amoral opportunist, a political soldier of fortune, rather than a true believer. This is a terrible pick by Trump, and it will haunt him. I base my opinion entirely on her demeanor. She’s not someone to trust with this position. Can no one else really not see it?

Kash Patel should be the choice for FBI Director, but Trump is apparently about to choose Deep State apparatchik Mike Rogers. What in holy hell is going on here?

Are Tulsi and RFK next on the chopping block? Surely. It will be a miracle if they can survive what Gaetz failed to.

The Permanent Gov’t is sending a clear message to Trump: “We are the real government. There will be no change.”

Some garbage cannot be recycled

Laken Riley’s killer, Jose Iberra, has been found guilty on all counts, and will now be imprisoned for life, rather than put to death. Why? Because the district attorney of Athens, Georgia, refused to consider it, on the grounds that it would cause “collateral consequences to undocumented defendants” (her words). Why should this matter at all in any case as horrific as this one? And why shouldn’t the other rabid animals who’ve snuck across our border, or have been openly allowed to come here, see what has happened, and maybe think twice about raping and murdering native-born Americans? If they have the capacity for thought, that is. Are we really expected to take care of this murderer for the rest of his natural life, and will he in some distant future, be released back into civilization? Execution is the only just outcome, for Riley’s family, and for the American taxpayer. There is no hope for reform, some crimes are so bad that offender forfeits his life, and we shouldn’t be expected to fund a comfortable existence for him in our prisons. Some garbage cannot be recycled, and cannot even be safely maintained. Better to remove it from existence entirely. In Trump’s own words: “Execution, bing!”

America beyond the rainbow

There is a feeling of a new dawn approaching America, and the world. Something profound is in the works, the cosmic deck has been reshuffled, and it seems to have all began on November 5th. Trump’s victory has a feeling of something more profound than a mere political victory. Something has happened, the fundament has shifted, a new zeitgeist seemed to manifest overnight as the polls closed, and DJT was declared the winner. A vaporous and counterfeit zeitgeist just as quickly evaporated into the night, a miasma that many felt was just a permanent aspect of our reality was just gone. A collective catharsis achieved, like one big chicken finally laying an enormous egg. There is a sense that we warded off something terrible, veered at the last moment at an historical fork in the road.

We now understand the prime importance of our rulers on the tone of life in our country. Rulers that have the consent of the governed, and in Trump’s case, that means over 80% of the counties in the entire nation, which he won handily. We also understand the importance of a muscular and combative First Amendment, wielded as a weapon by professional and amateur writers and journalists. Trump’s victory, and America’s, could not have happened without X. Elon Musk, whatever his other faults may be, put the First Amendment in an invincible mech suit and let it loose. Free speech thus freed and armored, it demolished every heavily-funded propaganda operation that our government and corporate behemoths put in its path. Musk’s purchase of X will go down as one of the most consequential events in the history of the human race.

Rather than a blackhole dawn, America awoke on November 6th to a sense that anything is possible. We are in control now, if by “control” we mean that we are now in control of our own destiny.

Trump’s cabinet picks are equally astounding. RFK at Health and Human Services, Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, and more than likely Kash Patel at the FBI, Elon and Ron Paul at the Department of Government Efficiency…this is far more than we ever dreamed possible. America is not merely back, this is America reborn anew. Hyperbole? Maybe, but while we’ll never reach Ultima Thule, we’ve sidestepped the abyssal plane, and set the stage for a political dynasty that will endure beyond Trump’s final four years. Trump’s win, and Trump’s appointments signify a return to America First, the only real political philosophy that any nation that wishes to endure and prosper should strive for. Every nation deserves a political class that puts their own interests first, far beyond the interests of foreign interests, and how could it be otherwise?

Something truly visionary has happened. If Trump’s appointments are confirmed, this upwards momentum could be sustained indefinitely, short of a violent coup. But even then, could a coup even succeed when over 80% of the country supports this new direction? Let the upper class traitors and criminals stamp their feet, tear at their ascots, and performatively self-immolate, let the anti-American laptop class rage at the fact that America is beginning to regain her sense of self-worth, it’s nothing more than white noise that no longer holds power. We’ll save their sorry asses in the process of repairing what they attempted to permanently ruin, which is nothing less than the greatest and freest nation to have ever existed. That puts into perspective their dark mindset, their suicidal impulse towards national suicide. Let’s understand it, and never give it the time of day ever again.

Biden gives Ukraine permission to use long-range missiles

The angry, confused old man who happens to still be the President of the United States, just gave Ukraine permission to use their US-supplied long-range missiles, to strike deep within Russia. In response, Russian prez Putin convened his cabinet, and updated their nuclear doctrine, declaring their right to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine should this escalation continue. We appear to be on the verge of a very dark, and very avoidable, turn in this conflict that our government has instigated and escalated at every opportunity.

This morning’s news is that Ukraine did just what they now have permission to do: use the American-made ATACMS missiles (probably also operated by American soldiers) to strike into Russian territory.

The real question is, was this abrupt escalation by Biden the result of electoral sour grapes? Is World War 3 his way of burning down Trump’s second administration before it even begins? Just six days ago, Trump’s son, Don Jr., ridiculed Zelensky, stating that the Ukrainian leader would be “losing his allowance” in a few weeks’ time. Could this have caused Biden to give the green light on long-range missiles? The sheer stupidity, the reckless disregard for global stability and peace, boggles the mind.

Here’s hoping that Trump is on the phone with Putin continuously over the next two months, assuring him of a commitment to peace and an immediate hands-off approach to Ukraine. There’s no doubt of Trump’s intention to be far more even-keeled in dealing with Ukraine and Russia, as can be gleaned from his demand that Zelensky begin wearing a suit and tie while in his presence.

Decayed societies tolerate violent crime. Everyone else pays the price.

The health of a civilization can be judged in large part by how it deals with violent crime. Major metropolitan areas in the US have for years approached crime, and repeat offenders, with kiddie gloves. Many of these criminals, human only in a strictly biological sense, are arrested, kept in custody for a few days, and then released, only to offend again, usually in a much more violent and destructive way. People who know the facts, or who know the killer or victims personally, are never surprised. They do postmortem interviews and make it fairly clear that the latest atrocity was inevitable once a particular killer was released. It’s their nature, they are beyond reform, and should never have been let loose again.

Many of these animals are repeat violent offenders, and yet they are let loose each time, and the unsuspecting civilian population is made to deal with them. Someone is punched, raped, or killed, and then finally, after some ultimate crime, we get a courtroom full of crying family members, witnesses, and prosecutors telling the jury that this worthless piece of human excrement had a rap sheet spanning New York state. We all wonder how it could have come to this, how this or that innocent person is now dead because this savage was allowed to roam freely until he killed.

Repeat violent offenders cannot be rehabilitated, and we have a right to live free of their presence. Jose Ibarra here shouldn’t be “sent home”, he should simply be put to death. Humanely, of course. It is plain to see that this thing is totally devoid of empathy, or anything resembling human feeling. “You have your constitutional rights!” say the criminal justice reformers, defense attorneys, and the ACLU. But rights are reserved for the peaceful, the human, among us. Not animals. Dangerous animals that have killed others are euthanized. Ibarra should be given the same comfort, the same human rights, as a rabid grizzly. Courts are nothing more than a charade for these inhuman aberrations. Should he die the same violent death as his victim? Some would say yes. I say to simply give him the needle, in unceremonious and rapid fashion, preferably in the courtroom immediately after the verdict is read. Let the world see it, and understand. Would this ever happen? Of course not. Not amid our present moral decay, where rabid animals are continually let loose, under a tragically misguided belief that these animals deserve sympathy. The swift justice would heal us, and set an example for foreign nations and would-be migrants: keep your animals at home.

A reimagining of our approach to crime must happen soon. We must remove the bleeding hearts from policy formulation. They are the reason that born killers and violence-prone walk freely after each new rampage. Here’s a simple formulation: two violent crimes within the span of a year? Life behind bars with no chance of parole. The lizard-like murder of a female jogger? Instant death. We should begin to demand our rights to safety from these thugs. We are the peaceful, the taxpaying, the human. What about us? How does the emotional state of a repeat offender matter more than the safety of the peaceful? Do some people deserve to die? Look at Jose here, learn about his crime, and ask yourself: does he deserve to die? Some crimes are beyond redemption, criminals acts so terrible that their perpetrator, in a just society, forfeits his life.

Will mass “self-deportation” work on its own?

There is a general sense of disillusionment among the liberal diaspora in America following Trump’s landslide victory. I can’t know their minds for sure, but by their posture, and the sudden appearance of an overweening ennui, I assume that they’ve had a fundamental illusion shattered. They truly believe Kamala was going to win, and that Trumpism would die an immediate death following his loss. Not only did Trump win, America itself rejected the mindless, America Last attitude that Kamala was intent on maintaining in perpetuity. We have an entire nation of Trump supporters, and then we have several Democrat metropolis’ that voted Democrat. We now see the power of the X platform, as well as many alternative media platforms that have usurped the power of televised news and the tech giants. X isn’t merely an echo chamber, it’s the voice of America itself. X has allowed us to understand that we aren’t crazy when we see the rape of our nation by our Political Class. When $100 billion can be sent to Ukraine immediately and with no debate, but American citizens can’t get relief at the grocery store, gas pump, or when we pay our rent and bills, we see that something is wrong at the core of our government. We made our voices known, and we achieved a victory that at the time felt impossible, but now seems inevitable. We now see that something was very wrong with the 2020 election (where did the 20 million Democrats votes disappear to in 2024?), and we understand we mustn’t allow that type of “steal” to happen ever again. It feels like morning in America again, and that Americans will be put first again.

Trump isn’t even in office yet, but world leaders have already been on the horn with him, ensuring that they will work with him, and bring back global stability again. We have a “strongman” about to attain office, and now we see the value in this type of leader. Call him fascist if you must, but if by fascism you mean someone with loyalty to his country as an overriding value, then I am a “fascist” as well. More accurately, let’s call it nationalism. Trump didn’t seize power, he was elected. More accurately, we could dub Biden and his senile negligence as fascism. The rigging of the 2020 election could be far more easily branded as an exercise in fascism as well, an undemocratic coup.

Trump has pledged pardons immediately upon attaining office, the firing of corrupt prosecutors, and the beginning of a massive deportation operation of the millions of illegal immigrants who have poured through our open southern border over the past four years. I’m hoping that the operation has teeth, and I believe it will. But I hear stirrings of “self-deportation” as if its a viable strategy on its own. In a sense, it could be. A removal of the massive benefits that these illegals receive upon arrival would kill the incentives to come here. No more parole, no more catch and release, no more free phones and debit cards, no more free hotel rooms and apartments, et cetera. But it would need to go further: suing the non-profits currently working to bring hundreds of thousands of people here under “asylum”, and resettling them in unsuspecting communities would need to happen immediately as well. The world must again understand that their “need” doesn’t give them a “right” to American citizenship, just as my desire to live in another country would give me a right to citizenship there. It’s insane on the face of it, and its time to end it. Healthy nations make themselves into fortresses, and hold healthy attitudes towards mass migration.

Deportation would have to begin immediately. Removing and sending back those here illegally by lawful force would unquestionably have to be used. America is for Americans, just as Mexico is for Mexicans, Japan for the Japanese, India for Indians.

Less popular would be a rejection of the attitude that we should allow the mass migration of “high value” immigrants. Many among the MAGA support fast-tracking certain types of immigration if those immigrants are believed to add economic and social value to this country. I’m sorry but that’s not how it works. We need to remember that the native-born Americans have priority, and put a stop to this callous disregard of them. A healthy nation caters to its own people, not foreigners. Let those wishing to come here get in line like everyone else. America should again be for Americans. No more sob stories of faraway grievances and injustices, we have plenty of that here at home. No more “telescopic philanthropy”, we must focus our attention on Americans at home. No more foreign wars, foreign aid, or catering to foreign needs. We must rehabilitate the belief that we have enough problems of our own, and that by tending to our own problems first, we help the world. We must become a shining fortress on a hill, an example for the world to become like us, but not to come here bodily and en masse.

Trump’s win signifies a return to America First. But he can’t accomplish this on his own.