
I don’t believe I’ve ever gained more wisdom from a single source than this song, which attempts to convey the most difficult lesson for us apparently to learn: the ephemerality of time. We don’t really realize and appreciate the value of certain milestones, certain eras of our lives, until they’re gone. Our children are young only once, our grandchildren, ourselves. We achieve something and bask in the afterglow for a time, attempt in vain to preserve a certain stage of our life that has outstayed its welcome, consuming valuable time better spent in some other way. Our 20’s are here, and feel limitless at the time, and then they’re gone. Our 30’s, 40’s, and then middle age arrives and we confront the death of our youth, and for many the regret of unlived time. What we didn’t do, rather than what we did. We realize that not all time is equal. The short years of our children’s childhood is priceless in comparison to the years before they were born, or even after they’ve reach adulthood. But do we realize it at the time? I’d bet far more people than who would admit it reach middle age and wonder why no one sat them down and explained to them the importance of paying attention to time itself. Why no one warned them that there is no such thing as “free time”, and why some time is far more valuable than others. If everyone were forced, when young, to live a single year at the end of their lives, would they return to their younger selves and hit the ground running? Maybe appreciate people and moments that they would otherwise not have? Time is a current that carries us along, but it does so silently, and this makes it all too easy to believe that we’re not moving at all.

The greatest opening scene in television history?

Mad Men is another Renaissance painting in motion. There is no culture to be had in Yellowstone, Game of Thrones, or all the other grotesque streaming options that killed off the “Golden Age of Television”. But something like this, when production companies were dropping 2 mil per episode, and pouring every last ounce of uncompromising creativity into every scene, the viewer is treated to an immersible masterpiece that elevates their taste, rather than debasing it.

Conservatives: Reject woke westerns. They’re designed to insult you to your face.

I hear tell that Yellowstone, the most successful instance ever of a western soap opera smuggling in leftist ideology to the whoops and hollers of American conservatives, ended in the only way it could end: the White Man giving his land back to the Natives, who will of course preserve it for all times in its primal state, never developing it for an acre-sized casino, or selling out mineral rights and royalties to the vultures of Big Oil. Of course. And so the Natives reclaim the land, spit on the graves of the Whites, and apparently that’s the end of that. I didn’t watch it. I won’t subject myself to it.

What I will do, however, is revisit a series that every conservative should take the time to watch: The Sopranos. The series that kicked off the Golden Age of TV is almost forgotten now, buried under an avalanche of garbage content. The Sopranos isn’t a throwaway soap opera mired in the spirit of the age: it’s a work of genius.

The J6 gallows: another inside job?

At 6 a.m., on the morning of the infamous protest/riot of January 6th, 2021, a gallows was constructed, and it remained standing for 26 hours. The gallows provided a powerful visual for the subsequent prosecution of the participants in the protest of that day, and were used as proof that the rioters planned to actually hang Mike Pence and others. Thanks to the recently released J6 report, we now know that, rather than collecting the gallows as evidence, it was disassembled, destroyed, and hauled off in a dump truck. Why was it allowed to be built in the first place? Capitol police guidelines prohibit the construction of temporary structures on Capitol grounds, but for some reason the gallows was set up without any interference. Who were the people who brought the lumber and set it up? The FBI has no idea, and apparently doesn’t have any interest in finding out their identities.

The J6 gallows smells like another inside job, one part of the bigger J6 operation that included pipe bombs and agent provocateurs embedded in the crowd.

Candace Owens awarded coveted “Anti-Semite of the Year”

Owens, who has been highly critical of Israel’s indiscriminate murder of tens of thousands of Gaza civilians, criticism which got her booted from Zionist outfit The Daily Wire, has now received the prestigious designation of “Anti-Semite of the Year” by the comically unimaginative group, “Stop Anti-Semitism”. The smear of “antisemite” has long ago lost its meaning, an empty accusation of racism leveled at anyone critical of Israel’s actions in the Mideast. By branding Owens as arch anti-Semite, surely the term itself has finally been buried in a semantic grave. Owens is critical of Israel’s influence and power over the political process in the United States, how they appear to “own” our elected representatives, how they engage in blatant election interference in our own country, and steer policy in their favor. This isn’t anti-Semitism, and everyone knows it. Rather, she’s become the most powerful critic of this evil little nation, and it grates on the scumbags doing the Devil’s work on behalf of Israel.

The death of Syria

The sudden collapse of Bashar al Assad’s Syria came as quite a surprise. I’d thought he successfully fended off rebel maneuvers, and the 15,000 or so CIA-funded terrorist-rebels in Syria had been demoralized to the point of giving up. And out of nowhere, the rebels win, and Assad and his family are whisked away to Russia. There is consolation in the knowledge that one of the last remaining royal families in the Mideast is safe following a US-backed coup. But we know what comes next for Syria, just as it came for Iraq and Libya. Chaos and mass blood-letting. Syria is now a terrorist’s playground, and its too painful to think about what will become of Damascus.

The Mideast was better off with Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad. They maintained order and relative peace, preserving their culture and identity. They held the chaos in abeyance. But now they’re gone, and the chaos filled the void. The United States popped the cork on the genie’s bottle, and now those nations have returned to a prehistoric state.

Where is the memorial to these extinguished desert monarchies? Does the world see their value, now that they lie in dust? Late state democracy, red in tooth and claw, has been unleashed on these former kingdoms. Is democracy nothing more than mob rule, with armagaddon implied, lest the mob get its way? And the mob, prehistoric, annihilationist, the Freudian death drive at the wheel, will do to Syria what it has done to every other formerly great nation in all of recorded history.

In the US, infants underwent surgery without anesthesia until the 80’s

Here is a hideous fact that  I just uncovered: up until the 1980’s, most babies in the United States were operated on without anesthesia. The prevailing assumption at the time was that infants didn’t feel pain, and therefore they didn’t need anesthesia for major surgeries, including open heart surgery. Was the assumption genuine, though? Did the human race really just “assume” for hundreds of thousands of years that babies couldn’t feel pain? I don’t buy it. Every parent knows that infants feel pain. To argue otherwise appears insane. Which means the alternative explanation is far too ghoulish to entertain. The alternative would mean that our medical establishment just didn’t care about their pain enough to do anything about it.

How much do you trust our medical establishment? However much it is, it’s assuredly too much.

Industries with little to no competition attract crypto-sociopaths. We’ve all seen them, either in the DMV, the hospital, the dentist, the vet, or when we’re forced to deal with the police, firefighters, et cetera. Not all of them, but enough to cause damage. Shielded from competition, they behave how they want. Fragile egos and god complexes run rampant in these protected economic enclaves. Occasionally when interacting with one of these people, you feel reality slipping slightly. You know something isn’t quite right with this person, and you feel an urgent need to get away from them as quickly as possible. During the mass hysteria event of COVID, these people appeared overnight, like mushrooms. After the hysteria ended, they retreated back into the shadows, but among us they remain. And many remain ensconced in our healthcare system, the same people who administer COVID vaccines, who demanded the banishment of the unvaccinated and unmasked from society, who stand by while infants experience mind-shattering pain, and who now clamor for expanding euthanasia to children.


Liberty within the fortress

The essence of this entire post is contained in the title. Not much more can really be said. The only real future for America, and the world, one that we can be proud to bequeath to our children and grandchildren is simply this: liberty within the fortress. The world has nothing to offer us. We’re witnessing a civilizational quicksand pull the West below the surface. We can’t help them. Not by bringing them here, not by sending money, and not by sending troops. The world will help itself when it sees an America that regains her sense of self worth. The world comes begging, and we must decline help. We must help ourselves, give our own the jobs, give our own the hope, protect and preserve the liberty of our own. The greater America becomes, the more the world will demand entry. Hence the fortress. Make our own whole by defending their nation at a muscular and imposing fortress-border. We are unique in history, something new under the sun. How have we forgotten it so easily? Why have we allowed the systematic and careless plunder of such a priceless achievement as America? This civilizational equivalent of a red emerald, we leave the doors unlocked, and let anyone and their friends enter and toss her around. No more. Liberty within the fortress is the only possible future if we desire to survive and thrive. We are the inheritors of something precious, we should begin acting like it.

Notre Dame now has LED chandeliers

I had to laugh when I saw the new photos of the Notre Dame renovation, a long time coming ever since the 2019 fire that almost claimed the immortal gothic relic of a more energetic, imaginative, and transcendent age. LED chandeliers have been installed, obliterating the gloomy majesty of the cathedral in one blasphemous act of wiring.

What we had was an arcane, otherworldly, nebulous reliquary, and what we got was a dentist’s lobby, a mall, a McDonald’s interior. The sterility and unimaginative boorishness of our troglodyte age has now infected one of the West’s most sacred cultural heirloom, a mystical pyramid once inhabited by God, but now fit for nothing more spiritual than the scanning of QR codes under the hideous strobe of dead light.

I suppose it could have been worse. The cathedral could have transformed into something far worse, and we should be grateful that it wasn’t. The structure remains more or less the same, but the soul has been removed. This is no longer a sanctum for the dwindling numbers of pilgrims seeking something more than a smartphone-saturated reality.

It’s been the common assumption that the fire was an act of arson, committed by one of the many newcomers to Paris, who, in a fit of animal hatred, attempted to destroy a foundational Western megalith, just as so many other Christian churches have been set on fire throughout Europe. Where this animal failed, our own percolating neo-primitive culture seems to have succeeded, albeit partially.