Here is a hideous fact that I just uncovered: up until the 1980’s, most babies in the United States were operated on without anesthesia. The prevailing assumption at the time was that infants didn’t feel pain, and therefore they didn’t need anesthesia for major surgeries, including open heart surgery. Was the assumption genuine, though? Did the human race really just “assume” for hundreds of thousands of years that babies couldn’t feel pain? I don’t buy it. Every parent knows that infants feel pain. To argue otherwise appears insane. Which means the alternative explanation is far too ghoulish to entertain. The alternative would mean that our medical establishment just didn’t care about their pain enough to do anything about it.
How much do you trust our medical establishment? However much it is, it’s assuredly too much.
Industries with little to no competition attract crypto-sociopaths. We’ve all seen them, either in the DMV, the hospital, the dentist, the vet, or when we’re forced to deal with the police, firefighters, et cetera. Not all of them, but enough to cause damage. Shielded from competition, they behave how they want. Fragile egos and god complexes run rampant in these protected economic enclaves. Occasionally when interacting with one of these people, you feel reality slipping slightly. You know something isn’t quite right with this person, and you feel an urgent need to get away from them as quickly as possible. During the mass hysteria event of COVID, these people appeared overnight, like mushrooms. After the hysteria ended, they retreated back into the shadows, but among us they remain. And many remain ensconced in our healthcare system, the same people who administer COVID vaccines, who demanded the banishment of the unvaccinated and unmasked from society, who stand by while infants experience mind-shattering pain, and who now clamor for expanding euthanasia to children.