The sheer, relentless, inhuman brutality inflicted upon the Palestinian people of Gaza, with the cherry on top being the total erasure of their history there, has forever cursed the land. Opulent plans are in the works for the redevelopment of Gaza, once the remaining Palestinians are relocated, and made into a ghoulish Israeli resort, built upon the bodies of entire families that haven’t yet decomposed. Is this really what Trump wants? If so, we’ve damned ourselves in the same manner as Israel. The difference is that Israel knows it’s damned, and they don’t care. Is this really the work of “Judaism”, or this something more sinister, something that resembles more a total inversion of Christianity, rather than just another Abrahamic religion?
Israel has made a hooligan’s holiday out of this genocide. They revel in the mass death, the anguish and despair they inflicted, and one wonders how any civilized nation not merely allows it, but funds and supports it enthusiastically? Israel’s entire cultural identity has been built upon the murder and terrorization of the Palestinians. The bloodshed of Palestinians will now cease, because there will be no more to kill. This will create a cultural vacuum, that the Jewish state is already seeking to fill. They’ll no longer have a captive population to murder, rape, torture, and terrorize. Their open-air concentration camp is now gone, and so is their fun. Israel’s allies should fear what their newly idle hands will find to occupy their time.
It’s so astonishing what has happened there, almost unbelievable, an entire people snuffed out, culled like animals. And Israel claim a perverse birthright to slaughter, and the ‘why’ always reverts back to World War 2, the Holocaust, and their supposed historical suffering. Because of this, it is implied, they are entitled to reenact their vengeance over and over unto eternity. Why have we tethered ourselves to this cursed nation, why have we allowed ourselves to be made a party to such evil? Israel is damned, and through our unbridled support, in money, weapons, training, and a blind eye, we too are damned. And Gaza is cursed forever. A crime of this magnitude creates a stain that can never be removed. Whatever God is watching, is surely judging, and we have only to wait for the inevitable retribution. There won’t be forgiveness.