Breast and cervical cancer screenings are down by over 80% over the past year

87% for breast cancer, 84% for cervical. As a result, cancer will skyrocket in the coming years, having gone undetected when it was treatable.

Stories like this really confirm and solidify the misanthropy I’ve distilled into a complex philosophical system over the past year. Many warned that a panicked over-reaction, lockdowns, state-sanctioned hysteria, et cetera, would have dire consequences, including the horror of undiagnosed illness. I warned of it, others warned of it. We all wrote and published articles that foretold what the consequences would be. It didn’t take any kind of clairvoyance at all, just common sense. No one listened or cared enough to stop it before it could really create lasting damage. People behaved like cattle; less than cattle even. Drones, acolytes of a new religion. They wore their masks, remained quiet when their local health department assumed almost total control of the functioning of our day-to-day lives. This was the most devastating and vulgar violation of liberty and human rights that we’ve ever lived through, and it was allowed to happen with almost no objection. And now we’re witnessing the entirely predicted consequences unfurl before us. Knowing what we know now, we must really contend with our capacity for stupidity. Deadly, suicidal stupidity. An inability to think, an absolute abrogation of our duty as the animal gifted with this most miraculous product of evolution: our mind.

Author: S. Smith