The Jim Cramers of the world are the reason totalitarianism is ever able to gain a foothold

Jim Cramer believes that we are at war with a virus. Really? Because it looks like our government is at war with its citizens. That’s how its working out in practice. I wonder what Cramer would be willing to sacrifice in this “war”? How many concentration camps, how much socio-economic fallout, how many ruined lives? What human rights atrocities is he willing to tolerate? At what point would someone like him say “this is too much”. The thing is this: by the time we really see what the pandemic butchers and enslavers are really capable of, it will be too late to stop it. You have to stop it before it breaks fully out of its shell. Those of us who speak out do so because we see what’s being born. We saw it almost two years ago. And we have to continually deal with these otherwise intelligent, good people, like Cramer, who unwittingly play midwife to totalitarianism. These fools are everywhere, they’ve existed throughout history, and they bear responsibility for every incarnation of the totalitarian beast. It sustains itself on the invincible stupidity and foolishness of the “intellectual class”.

Author: S. Smith