Local cops take down crybully ATF agent

Reposting this video with commentary. I really enjoy sitting back and watching this video in its entirety solely for the cathartic effect. Here we have an ATF agent attempting to break down the door of a woman and children, harassing them as the ATF are wont to do, and believing he is totally above the law. Remember, these are the garbage humans responsible for Waco, Ruby Ridge, and a host of other incidents. They apparently hire based on personality type: lacking in empathy, willingness to inflict terror, sadism, et cetera. Well this tubby bastard experienced the shock of his life when these cops arrived on the scene, taking the dirtbag down. Just listen to him wail from the squad car, as the neighbors are interviewed, and who recount the agent’s scumbag behavior before the police arrived. Spectacular.

Author: S. Smith