The 366-30 vote declared the obvious, that the US has not authorized war in Yemen, yet US support for the side that is directly murdering hundreds of children, and indirectly murdering hundreds of thousands through starvation and disease, continues unabated.
The Intercept: Congress Votes to Say It Hasn’t Authorized War on Yemen, Yet War in Yemen Goes On
It should be constantly remembered that Saudi Arabia is presently causing the greatest outbreak of cholera in recorded history, as well as the starvation of millions. This is happening now, in broad daylight, with too little outrage or even attention paid. One year from now, there will be millions fewer Yemenis alive due to the Saudi blockade. And the Saudis wouldn’t dare engage in such atrocities without the full force and faith of the US government.
CNN: Saudi blockade pushing Yemen toward “worst famine in decades”: