EFF: Court challenges to NSA surveillance: 2017 in review
Gizmodo Australia: The great data breach disasters of 2017
China Digital Times: China building DNA database by controversial means
Daily Signal: Invasive new airport screenings may put privacy at risk
Techdirt: Prosecutors benefiting most from police body cameras
Also Techdirt: Hawaiian Supreme Court says the First Amendment protects filming the police
National Review: Masterpiece Cakeshop and the slippery slope of anti-discrimination law
Also National Review: Security theater comes to Disney World Resort
The American Conservative: 2017: The year the Left went into eclipse
The Libertarian Institute: Recommendations for police reform
Gadgets Now: 2017: When artificial intelligence outsmarted humans
MIT Tech Review: 2017: The year AI floated into the cloud
Futurism: NASA expert says this is the ultimate test for AI in space exploration
Quartz: Data shows US inventors aren’t just good at science, they also come from rich families
Science Nordic: Can large objects exist in a quantum state?
NPR: How Caribbean pirates hijacked America’s metric system
Mises Institute: Why we read dead economists