Zero Hedge: California kicks off 2018 with statewide marijuana legalization
The Intercept: Documents reveal the complex legacy of James Angleton, godfather of mass surveillance
Law360: 5 cybersecurity and privacy policies to watch in 2018
Salon: The new JFK files reveal how the CIA tracked Oswald
Analytics Insight: What happens when data meets motion?
Economic Times: Google’s new AI talks like you, me, and everyone else
Daily Galaxy: Artificial intelligence is already out there, and it’s billions of years old
Yahoo: Opening AI’s black box
Geek: World ‘Go’ champ hopes to reclaim title in AI rematch
Forbes: The $15 minimum wage movement is winning, that’s bad news for cashiers
AIER: Sheldon Richman: make-work is wasteful
Activist Post: In 2017, nearly 100 times more Americans were killed by police than terrorists
The Intercept: Officer-involved 217
Counterpunch: Cops killing kids has got to stop