FEE: Insane Homeland Security spending doesn’t make us any safer
The New American: DHS to spend $1 billion to expand illegal facial scanning program at airports
And for a comprehensive look into the expansion of facial recognition tech in US airports, Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology recently released a detailed report, Not Ready for Takeoff
Axios: Surveillance and sex-trafficking on Congress’ to-do list
Reason: RAND PAUL: No foreign spy program reauthorization without citizen protections
Techdirt: Police training firm dumps interrogation technique linked to multiple false confessions
Defense Daily Network: Pentagon begins year of restructure with uncertain funding
Slate: 2017 was a great year for alien-hunting
The National Interest: Who watches the watchers in the US navy?
Futurism: An AI-powered network could save the navy billions of dollars
Cipher Brief: Pandora’s Bot: how cyber weapons can wreak havoc